Here’s a super accurate digital caster / camber gauge that reads to . 1? camber and at a price any serious team can easily justify. (Caster is measured by bubble vial and reads from -4? to +12?. ) It comes with our latest Quick Set? Dunlop? Style Adapter and a padded carrying case. As an additional benefit the AccuLevel? digital readout can be removed and used separately as a digital angle finder for suspension, spoiler angles, and many other things.
Longacre is an established brand name in the racing industry and is recognized for dedication to quality, innovation and customer satisfaction. Check out our comprehensive line of race scales, alignment tools, racing gauges and other products. Whether you are into stock, modified, drag, go kart, off-road, sprint or RC car racing, we’ll provide you with the quality racing parts you deserve. Longacre customers include individual racers as well as some of the most respected names in modern-day racing. The first Longacre Product was the Gagelite Warning Kits that are still sold today. From this beginning, Longacre quickly expanded the product line to include pre-wired gauge and switch panels. Over time, more and more innovative items were added including Computerscales®, the marquee product line in the Longacre catalog. Longacre is an established brand name in the industry and is recognized for dedication to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction. At Longacre, we strive for perfection on all of the products that we manufacture. All of our products go through proven assembly steps and procedures to provide the end user with a product that we stake our reputation on.
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