Amalie Chrysler ATF+4 is recommended for Chrysler and DaimlerChrysler transmissions recommending ATF+4, ATF+3 or ATF+2, and covered by specifications MS-9602 and MS-7176E/D. This fluid is also recommended where Allison C-3 and C-4 fluids are required. This chemistry offers excellent low temperature properties and improved anti-shudder properties. Chrysler ATF+4 Fluid is recommended for use in all transmissions, hydraulic systems, and power steering units manufactured by American, European, Korean, Japanese and other manufactures from around the world specifying Chrysler ATF+4, ATF+3 or ATF+2 Type Fluids.
Over 120 Years of Excellence Amalie continues over 120 years of excellence with a full line of Automotive, Fleet, Industrial, and Specialty lubricants, that, since 1903, truly are…Better than they have to be! Founded in 1903, Amalie quickly developed a reputation for high-quality, well-engineered petroleum products.
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